Empowering Families. 
Protecting Seniors.

Dedicated long term care staff in Florida work hard to provide quality care for residents in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities.

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Please note: These search results reflect current members and non-member facilities serving as supporting partners of AHCA/NCAL in this project, as well as active recipients of the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program. If you are an AHCA/NCAL member and believe your facility is missing or has inaccurate information, please contact your state affiliate to update the listing. Non-member facilities serving as supporting partners in this project should consult their appropriate member organization to make changes. 

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About Us

Today, FHCA is a federation representing over 82% of the state’s 690 nursing centers. Our membership includes more than 1,000 individuals and nearly 600 long term care centers that provide skilled nursing, post-acute and sub-acute care, short-term rehabilitation, assisted living and other services to the frail elderly and individuals with disabilities in Florida. FHCA also has more than 400 associate members/companies that provide valuable products and services to long term care providers.